Contextual bandit on MovieLensΒΆ

The script uses real-world data to conduct contextual bandit experiments. Here we use MovieLens 10M Dataset, which is released by GroupLens at 1/2009. Please fist pre-process datasets (use “”), and then you can run this example.

import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from import history
from import model
from striatum.bandit import ucb1
from striatum.bandit import linucb
from striatum.bandit import linthompsamp
from striatum.bandit import exp4p
from striatum.bandit import exp3
from striatum.bandit.bandit import Action
from sklearn.naive_bayes import MultinomialNB
from sklearn.linear_model import LogisticRegression
from sklearn.multiclass import OneVsRestClassifier

def get_data():
    streaming_batch = pd.read_csv('streaming_batch.csv', sep='\t', names=['user_id'], engine='c')
    user_feature = pd.read_csv('user_feature.csv', sep='\t', header=0, index_col=0, engine='c')
    actions_id = list(pd.read_csv('actions.csv', sep='\t', header=0, engine='c')['movie_id'])
    reward_list = pd.read_csv('reward_list.csv', sep='\t', header=0, engine='c')
    action_context = pd.read_csv('action_context.csv', sep='\t', header=0, engine='c')

    actions = []
    for key in actions_id:
        action = Action(key)
    return streaming_batch, user_feature, actions, reward_list, action_context

def train_expert(action_context):
    logreg = OneVsRestClassifier(LogisticRegression())
    mnb = OneVsRestClassifier(MultinomialNB(), )[:, 2:], action_context.iloc[:, 1])[:, 2:], action_context.iloc[:, 1])
    return [logreg, mnb]

def get_advice(context, actions_id, experts):
    advice = {}
    for time in context.keys():
        advice[time] = {}
        for i in range(len(experts)):
            prob = experts[i].predict_proba(context[time])[0]
            advice[time][i] = {}
            for j in range(len(prob)):
                advice[time][i][actions_id[j]] = prob[j]
    return advice

def policy_generation(bandit, actions):
    historystorage = history.MemoryHistoryStorage()
    modelstorage = model.MemoryModelStorage()

    if bandit == 'Exp4P':
        policy = exp4p.Exp4P(actions, historystorage, modelstorage, delta=0.5, pmin=None)

    elif bandit == 'LinUCB':
        policy = linucb.LinUCB(actions, historystorage, modelstorage, 0.3, 20)

    elif bandit == 'LinThompSamp':
        policy = linthompsamp.LinThompSamp(actions, historystorage, modelstorage,
                                           d=20, delta=0.61, r=0.01, epsilon=0.71)

    elif bandit == 'UCB1':
        policy = ucb1.UCB1(actions, historystorage, modelstorage)

    elif bandit == 'Exp3':
        policy = exp3.Exp3(actions, historystorage, modelstorage, gamma=0.2)

    elif bandit == 'random':
        policy = 0

    return policy

def policy_evaluation(policy, bandit, streaming_batch, user_feature, reward_list, actions, action_context=None):
    times = len(streaming_batch)
    seq_error = np.zeros(shape=(times, 1))
    actions_id = [actions[i].action_id for i in range(len(actions))]
    if bandit in ['LinUCB', 'LinThompSamp', 'UCB1', 'Exp3']:
        for t in range(times):
            feature = np.array(user_feature[user_feature.index == streaming_batch.iloc[t, 0]])[0]
            full_context = {}
            for action_id in actions_id:
                full_context[action_id] = feature
            history_id, action = policy.get_action(full_context, 1)
            watched_list = reward_list[reward_list['user_id'] == streaming_batch.iloc[t, 0]]

            if action[0]['action'].action_id not in list(watched_list['movie_id']):
                policy.reward(history_id, {action[0]['action'].action_id: 0.0})
                if t == 0:
                    seq_error[t] = 1.0
                    seq_error[t] = seq_error[t - 1] + 1.0

                policy.reward(history_id, {action[0]['action'].action_id: 1.0})
                if t > 0:
                    seq_error[t] = seq_error[t - 1]

    elif bandit == 'Exp4P':
        for t in range(times):
            feature = user_feature[user_feature.index == streaming_batch.iloc[t, 0]]
            experts = train_expert(action_context)
            advice = {}
            for i in range(len(experts)):
                prob = experts[i].predict_proba(feature)[0]
                advice[i] = {}
                for j in range(len(prob)):
                    advice[i][actions_id[j]] = prob[j]
            history_id, action = policy.get_action(advice)
            watched_list = reward_list[reward_list['user_id'] == streaming_batch.iloc[t, 0]]

            if action[0]['action'].action_id not in list(watched_list['movie_id']):
                policy.reward(history_id, {action[0]['action'].action_id: 0.0})
                if t == 0:
                    seq_error[t] = 1.0
                    seq_error[t] = seq_error[t - 1] + 1.0

                policy.reward(history_id, {action[0]['action'].action_id: 1.0})
                if t > 0:
                    seq_error[t] = seq_error[t - 1]

    elif bandit == 'random':
        for t in range(times):
            action = actions_id[np.random.randint(0, len(actions)-1)]
            watched_list = reward_list[reward_list['user_id'] == streaming_batch.iloc[t, 0]]

            if action not in list(watched_list['movie_id']):
                if t == 0:
                    seq_error[t] = 1.0
                    seq_error[t] = seq_error[t - 1] + 1.0

                if t > 0:
                    seq_error[t] = seq_error[t - 1]

    return seq_error

def regret_calculation(seq_error):
    t = len(seq_error)
    regret = [x / y for x, y in zip(seq_error, range(1, t + 1))]
    return regret

def main():
    streaming_batch, user_feature, actions, reward_list, action_context = get_data()
    streaming_batch_small = streaming_batch.iloc[0:10000]

    # conduct regret analyses
    experiment_bandit = ['LinUCB', 'LinThompSamp', 'Exp4P', 'UCB1', 'Exp3', 'random']
    regret = {}
    col = ['b', 'g', 'r', 'c', 'm', 'y', 'k', 'w']
    i = 0
    for bandit in experiment_bandit:
        policy = policy_generation(bandit, actions)
        seq_error = policy_evaluation(policy, bandit, streaming_batch_small, user_feature, reward_list,
                                      actions, action_context)
        regret[bandit] = regret_calculation(seq_error)
        plt.plot(range(len(streaming_batch_small)), regret[bandit], c=col[i], ls='-', label=bandit)
        plt.legend(bbox_to_anchor=(1.05, 1), loc=2, borderaxespad=0.)
        axes = plt.gca()
        axes.set_ylim([0, 1])
        plt.title("Regret Bound with respect to T")
        i += 1

if __name__ == '__main__':

Total running time of the script: ( 0 minutes 0.000 seconds)

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